California Healing Day 2
3am wake up time. Here we gooo..
So the whole airport process went so smoothly, I kept thinking there’s gotta be some sort of complication here, almost too good to be true (thanks anxiety). Sure enough, as I’m sitting on the plane ready for take off, the pilot tells us we can’t leave for another hour because Chicago weather is shit and they need to clear the runways there before letting any planes in or out. No stress or emotion again to this news. I’m either emotionally numb still, or I’m damn good at handling unexpected stress (after all the shit from the Thailand trip, could be that!). Actually I felt a bit relieved, now I can get in more sleep while waiting! Now a thought that keeps popping into my head because of good ol anxiety, “this plane is tiny, the weather is shit, the pilot said it’s going to be a bumpy ride—-you’re screwed”. I distract myself with a book while I wait…and after sitting on the plane in the lane way for over two hours, we FINALLY left. Oh, but obviously I couldn’t make my connecting flight. More waiting in lines to finally figure out a flight that I’ll actually make.
OH OH and it continues (I literally feel like I’m on a sitcom or something). I get on the plane for San Fransisco, and before we even take off, someone has a medical emergency so we have to go back to the terminal to drop them off (it was minor, and they’re okay). OH And then they need to refuel and de-ice the wings again. And they took too long bringing the fuel, so they needed to de-ice the wings…again. My ass is numb from sitting for hours on ANOTHER plane and not going anywhere. If I had to guess, the Universe is telling me I shouldn’t be going to Cali. OR I’m being tested. I don’t know how, but I’m gunna go with that.
FINALLY after being in the process of getting to Cali from 3am, I get to San Fransisco at 6pm. I had never been so excited to stand in my life (other than the 19 hour flight to Thailand that is).
But it was all SO WORTH IT. There’s no snow, I see palm trees, and I don’t even need a coat. Oh I needed this.
Eating a ton of sushi with my cousin ended this BS of a day, just right <3.